Father Or Not? When Paternity Is In Question

If you have been recently surprised with fatherhood, you are undoubtedly experiencing a mixed bag of emotions, especially if you and the mother are no longer a couple. You certainly want to do the right thing, so you agree to make child support payments. Before you sign away your rights, you need to ensure you really are doing the right thing. Read on for vital information you need before you make a decision you could regret for a very long time.

Keeping Secured Property In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: A Guide To Reaffirmation Agreements

By filing for bankruptcy under chapter 7, you are agreeing to surrender all of your assets to a trustee who will then liquefy them in favor of paying back your creditors. What most Americans don't know is that they don't have to surrender secured properties if they file a reaffirmation agreement within 60 days of the meeting of creditors with a bankruptcy attorney. What Is a Reaffirmation Agreement? A reaffirmation agreement is basically a legal document that outlines an agreement that you will still owe a debt to the creditor after the bankruptcy, so that you can keep a secured property.

Two Common Myths About Divoce

Divorcing from your spouse can be one of the most difficult tasks that you will ever have to do. This task can be made even harder because there is a lot of misinformation that many people assume is true. In particular, you may believe that the following two myths about divorce, but after learning the truth, you will be in a better position to navigate this complicated legal task.  Myth: It Is Always Difficult To Change Your Name Following A Divorce

3 Things You Need To Know Before Listing Your Property For Rent

Many people buy houses and other property as a means of investment. They can not only pay the mortgage payment from renting the property out to someone, but they can eventually earn a significant profit as well. Unfortunately, not knowing enough about real estate law can cause problems for landlords. Here are three things you need to know before listing your property for rent. 1. Property zoning laws. As a potential landlord, you need to have a fairly decent understanding of property zoning laws and how they affect your property.

Battling A DUI Civil Suit Case

If you have recently been convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol, you most likely will have to go through court proceedings to find out what punishment you will receive on a criminal level. Unfortunately, if someone was injured due to your DUI, you may also need to have a court date to retaliate against a civil suit case. Here are some tips to use when battling someone for medical expense reimbursement.